Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life Coaching Tool #1: The Circle of Perspective Life Coaching is excited to launch a series of Life Coaching tools that you can easily complete  to evaluate different areas of you're life. You'll essentially be your own coach.

The Circle of Perspective, also known as the 'Wheel of Life', is a quick exercise to give yourself a snapshot of areas in your life that might need attention.

First, draw the circle shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Wheel of Perspective

Next,  label each 'pie' section with one of the following: Career, Relationships, Spirituality (or Mental Fitness), Health & Fitness, Financially, and then one for Overall Well Being.

Give each segment a score or graded based on how you view that segment in your life. 10 is Excellent. Couldn't be Happier. 0 (zero) is Completely Disastisfied/unhappy. Write each number in the section.

Figure 2: Filling in Your Wheel
Now you will be filling in the ‘spokes’ and creating your wheel. Draw a line connecting the spokes based on your score from Step #3 (This will create a smaller triangle), and then color or shade in the piece. See Figure 2. If you gave that segment a 10, color in the whole piece. If you gave it a 5, draw a line half way in the piece connecting the spokes

Reflection:  Take a minute to process your scores for each section. This is a snapshot of your Wheel of Life and Circle of Perspective. What are your initial thoughts?  If this was a real wheel, how would you be able to smoothly roll forward?  Where can we focus your Life Coaching?

Let your wheel soak in, then create an action plan for your lowest scoring segments!

Happy Coaching!

~Coach Jake

P.S. Interested in seeing more Life Coaching tools or taking your life to the next level? Check out or email me and ask me how!

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